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What is the strongest anabolic steroid and why? where to buy steroids


Most powerful anabolic steroid



What is the strongest anabolic steroid?, this may sound like an easy question but it is not. When it comes to to strength or potency we tend to look at the anabolic level of the substance (often represented as the anabolic:androgenic ratio), as an example, testosterone forms tend to have a 100:100 relation as represented in the next figure.

What is the strongest anabolic steroid
What is the strongest anabolic steroid

Here we’ll summarize the most anabolic agents out there.

1-. Probably the strongest anabolic steroid agent out there is Metribolone (Methyltrienolone)- 6,000-7,000:>10,000

2-. Probably the strongest anabolic steroid agent out there is Fluoxymesterone (Halotestin) with ad Anabolic:Androgenic Ratio (AAR) of 1,900:850.

What is the strongest anabolic steroid and why?
What is the strongest anabolic steroid and why?

3-. Behind Halotestin we have Trenbolone with an AAR of 500:500, this is a very popular compound nowadays.

What is the strongest anabolic steroid and why?
What is the strongest anabolic steroid and why?

4-. In the fourth place, we have Oxandrolone (Anavar) with an AAR of 322-630:24, some would argue that it is equal or stronger to trenbolone yet the fluctuant ratio will set it in the third place.

What is the strongest anabolic steroid and why?
What is the strongest anabolic steroid and why?

5-. In the five place we have Oxymetholone (anadrol) with an AAR of 320:45

6-. Sharing the sixth place we will show 3 anabolic steroids that we couldn’t verify their AAR, yet the excellent book by William Lewellyn mentions their AAR:

  • Methyltrienolone (Metribolone) with an AAR 12,000-30,000:6,000-7,000 (making it probably the strongest anabolic agent out ther)
  • Mibolerone (Cheque Drops) with an AAR of 4,100:1,800
  • Bolasterone (Myagen) with an AAR of 575:300  


1-. J Strength Cond Res. 2009 Aug;23(5 Suppl):S1-S59. doi:10.1519/JSC.0b013e31819df2e6. Position stand on androgen and human growth hormone use. Hoffman JR, Kraemer WJ, Bhasin S, Storer T, Ratamess NA, Haff GG, Willoughby DS, Rogol AD.
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2-. William Llewellyn. Anabolics, 10th ed. Molecular Nutrition, 2010.


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