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Sustanon Cycle for Beginners (Testosterone)

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Sustanon Cycle

Testosterone is the most popular steroid for beginners, as it’s not overly toxic and it produces impressive muscle gains. Testosterone will cause a beginner to build muscle and burn fat (at the same time), changing a user’s body composition drastically. However, it should be known that testosterone’s muscle-building properties far outweigh it’s fat loss attributes.

Thus it would be wise to view testosterone as a bulking steroid that should be utilized with a high calorie diet, if you want to see significant muscle gains. Testosterone can be used when cutting to good effect, however its muscle-building potential will be reduced on lower calories. Some people may use test when cutting for two main reasons; they want to increase fat burning or/and they’re anxious about losing muscle.

Losing muscle is a pretty likely scenario on a cut; it’s just how much muscle you’ll lose. This isn’t the case when cutting with testosterone, where you’ll most likely retain all muscle – if not build some in the process.

A bodybuilder’s first steroid-cycle usually consists of taking some form of testosterone, most likely sustanon 250.

Sustanon 250 combines both short and long esters, meaning it enters your system fast (giving you rapid muscle gains), but also takes a while to leave your system; meaning you don’t have to take overly frequent doses.

Sustanon 250 side effects

Users are likely to experience several of the following adverse effects. If the user has good genetics, he may only experience very few of the below:

  • Acne
  • Liver strain
  • High blood pressure
  • Water retention
  • Gynecomastia
  • Hair loss/thinning

These adverse effects usually correct themselves when a cycle ends, unless a user takes excessively long cycles for many years and abuses testosterone.


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