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Steroids for beginners

People who only recently stepped in the gym often are foolish enough to search for the best steroids for beginners, without learning more about the side-effects and the more sustainable alternatives.

If you’re a newbie, I’ll explain everything you need to know, in order to pack on muscle without risking your health with illegal steroids, but choosing legal alternatives instead.

I’ll also introduce you to one of the best beginner training programs to get bigger and stronger faster – Bill Starr’s 5 x 5 Program.

Doctors understand that steroids can be taken in a sensible way as they prescribe steroids to patients on a daily basis. They know that if they keep them on a low to moderate dose and don’t administer them for too long, risks of side effects are much less. Doctors also monitor patients regularly when taking drugs, conducting health checks to make sure there are no underlying problems.

However, using without a medical prescription is not only illegal but dangerous for your health. Even mild steroids can lead to serious side effects when used improperly or without an actual medical reason.

Most beginners will use oral steroids for their first steroid cycles, such as Dianabol or Anavar. This is due to easy administration and reducing the risk of a newbie injecting into the wrong location. The main downside with orals is that they get broken down by the liver, instead of going straight into your bloodstream.

Here are 5 steroid-cycles that are common practice among many bodybuilders. We are suggesting legal alternatives instead.

Disclaimer: The content on and the information included in this article is intended for entertainment and informational purposes only. It is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Prior to buying anything, check that it is compliant where you live with your current government laws

Best Test Steroid (Testosterone): Sustanon 250


Synthetic testosterone is a man-made version of testosterone, your body’s most powerful anabolic hormone.

The increased levels of testosterone surging through your body that you will experience when you start taking synthetic testosterone will have an immediate and direct impact upon workout results. It will increase the number of ‘satellite cells’ that make your muscle fibers bigger. It is also believed that satellite cells may actually be able to join together to create new muscle fibers. This is known as hyperplasia. As a result, you will be able to put on around 5 pounds of muscle per month.

Another powerful effect of synthetic testosterone is that it will help you to stay out of a catabolic state after your workout. Typically you are in a muscle depleting state immediately after a heavy weights workout. But the extra testosterone that will be coursing through your body when you take Testogen, combined with your post-workout protein shake, will counter this effect.

As a result of these effects, synthetic testosterone can have a powerful effect on your muscle gaining ability. But it can also make you stronger. That’s because increased levels of testosterone coursing through your body while you are training will give you more calcium within your muscle cells. This will increase the force of your muscular contractions. You can expect to be about 30 percent stronger when using Testosterone. That means that if your max bench press is 200 pounds, supplementing with Testosterone will help get you up to 260 pounds.

Synthetic testosterone will also boost your workout endurance. When you take it, you will boost your body’s ability to produce red blood cells. That means that more oxygen will be getting to your muscle cells. More oxygen in the muscle means that you will be able to train harder for longer.

Side Effects

The side effects of synthetic testosterone range from mild to severe. When you introduce synthetic testosterone into your body, your natural production of testosterone may slow down or even stop. This can result in infertility. Another very common effect is acne due to the increased oil that is going into your system. Male pattern baldness is another unwanted effect of taking synthetic testosterone.

More serious side effects of introducing synthetic testosterone into your body include liver damage, enlarged prostate, and higher red blood cell count which is a predictor of heart disease.

Safest Steroid for Beginners: Anavar

Anavar (by itself) is a very popular beginner steroid cycle, because it’s a mild compound, meaning users don’t usually experience severe side effects. Oxandrolone will appeal to those looking to burn fat and retain muscle. So if you’re bulking and want to put on mass/size, Anavar won’t be for you. But if you want to lose some fat and get ripped – Anavar can certainly do the job.

Because Anavar is a powerful fat burner, pro bodybuilders also incorporate this steroid in cutting cycles to help them accelerate fat burning before a competition. Sometimes your muscles can appear flat after a cut due to some muscle loss and depleted glycogen stores.

However, Anavar reverses this effect and increases muscle-building, due to its anabolic properties; making you look jacked as it increases glycogen storage in your muscles.

Anavar’s also a popular steroid for women, as it doesn’t result in any masculine side effects. Anavar will keep a woman looking feminine, because it is a very mild compound and not excessively androgenic. Unlike men, women tend to build significant amounts of muscle on anavar.

However, ladies shouldn’t expect to wake up looking like she-hulk; however they will add a considerable amount of muscle tissue, giving them a strong/lean/athletic-look.

Anavar side effects:

  • Male pattern baldness (hair loss)
  • Painful erections
  • Less testosterone post-cycle

As you can see in the list above, the amount of anavar’s side effects is a lot less compared to other AAS; however complications can still occur. Some people believe anavar won’t significantly increase or shut down your natural testosterone production, however studies show that anavar DOES initially increase your testosterone levels during a cycle. Thus you can expect decreased levels of T post-cycle. As they say, “What goes up, must come down”.

However, anavar won’t increase your testosterone levels as much as dianabol (at the beginning of your cycle), nor will it shut you down as much as deca (after your cycle).

One drawback with anavar is that it’s quite costly. So, this isn’t the best steroid for a beginner who is short on money.

However, if anavar is out of your price range, clenbuterol is a cheaper alternative and it’s a more potent fat burner. Or you can go for anvarol which is a not only a safe and legal alternative; but also much cheaper than oxandrolone.

When weighing up anavar’s pros and cons, it’s no doubt one of the best steroids for beginners (if you’re cutting).


Dianabol is one of the best steroids for bulking and is suitable for beginners to take (in pill form). Generally the more powerful a steroid is, the more side effects it causes. Oral dianabol is almost an exception to this rule, as it’s likely to get a beginner jacked, but won’t compromise their health (as much as other steroids can).

As a precaution, get your blood work regularly checked by a medical professional whilst taking d-bol and be sure to take a milk thistle supplement to help reduce the strain on your liver.

Injectable dianabol isn’t recommended as blood pressure levels are likely to rise to an excessive level. Injectable dbol may also increase the chances of a user developing gynecomastia, as well as other side effects.

Dianabol doesn’t have any fat-burning effects, making it best-suited for beginners who want to pack on as much muscle and strength as possible. Dianabol was thought to be taken by a young Arnold Schwarzenegger in the 60’s, helping transform him into a mass monster who later dominated the Olympia stage.

Bodybuilders can typically take 50mg of dianabol a day; however sensible beginners will start on 10mg a day, and increase as their body becomes more comfortable with dianabol.

Dianabol Side Effects:

  • Liver strain (with orals)
  • High blood pressure
  • Male pattern baldness
  • Low testosterone levels (post-cycle)
  • Water retention
  • Acne
  • Increased risk of liver cancer
  • Gynecomastia

If the above side effects aren’t for you, D-Bal is a legal steroid alternative that mimics the effects of dianabol (without the side effects).


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