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Triyotex 75mcg 30 capsules Buy Anabolic Steroids


Therapeutic indications

Sodium liothyronine

Treatment of hypothyroidism, euthyroid goiter, hyperthyroidism, myxedema, cretinism, thyroid aplasia, thyroiditis, and after thyroid gland surgery. It is a supplement of natural thyroid hormone activity. Contains liothyronine, a synthetic form of the T3 hormone that can be used in patients allergic to dried thyroid hormone or pork or beef thyroid extracts. It can be used in the T3 suppression test to differentiate between hyperthyroidism and euthyroidism.

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Sodium liothyronine

It should not be administered to patients who are hypersensitive to the components of the formula or who have coexisting adrenal disease, thyrotoxicosis; YO SOY; hypertension; in patients with irreversible adrenal insufficiency as it increases the demand for adrenocortical hormones and can cause an acute adrenal crisis.

Warnings and precautions

Sodium liothyronine

Patients with hypothyroidism are especially sensitive to treatment with this type of drug. Therefore, it is suggested to start treatment with low doses. In elderly patients, it is suggested to start treatment with low doses and adjust them according to the therapeutic response; in patients with DM or insipidus, as well as with adrenal insufficiency, it can aggravate the intensity of their symptoms. The persistence of hypothyroidism despite adequate treatment may be indicative of poor absorption of the drug. Cellular resistance to thyroid hormones is extremely rare.


Sodium liothyronine

When interpreting the results of laboratory tests that determine thyroid function, factors that affect thyroxine transporter protein levels, such as pregnancy, infectious hepatitis, estrogens, and estrogen-containing oral hormonal contraceptives, should be taken into account. . Likewise, these levels can decrease in patients with nephrosis, acromegaly and after replacement therapy with androgens or corticosteroids. A diet rich in iodine can interfere with iodine uptake tests, causing decreased iodine uptake that can be misinterpreted as decreased thyroid function.


Sodium liothyronine

Its administration is under the responsibility of the treating physician, taking into account the risk/benefit factor.


Sodium liothyronine

Caution is advised during lactation, since small amounts of thyroid hormone are found in breast milk, without being associated with any major side effects.

Adverse reactions

Sodium liothyronine

Excessive doses of thyroid hormones can lead to the appearance of signs and symptoms of hyperthyroidism: excitability, weight loss, palpitations, arrhythmias, tachycardia, diarrhoea, sweating, tremor, headache and heat intolerance. Effects do not occur immediately and symptoms may appear 1 to 2 weeks after the initial dose. Medication in these cases.

It should be interrupted until the symptoms disappear, to restart it one or two days later with lower doses.

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