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Typical Steroid Gains

How much muscle will you gain from your first steroid cycle? This is a common question which all beginners wonder. However, assuming you use the steroids mentioned in this article, take them for the time-span mentioned AND you have standard genetics; you can expect to gain 20-30lbs.

Most of this weight is likely to be in the form of muscle, with some being fluid retention. Oral dianabol and deca durabolin will cause the most water retention out of the steroids listed in this article. Testosterone can also cause fluid accumulation, however if you do an anavar-only cycle you won’t gain any water, as it has diuretic properties.

It’s worth noting that some users might take testosterone with anavar and only gain 10lbs. They could look amazing in the mirror and feel like their body’s transformed by 10x over, but only have 10lbs to show for it on the scales. This can happen when a user gains 15lbs of muscle and burns 5lbs of fat. This is a dramatic transformation, however if you’re judging your gains by the number on your scales – you might end up a little disappointed.

Looking in the mirror and taking before/after photos is a much more effective way to monitor your gains, than by standing on the scales. Especially if you’re running steroids together that have both muscle-building and fat-burning properties.

