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Superdrol Methyldrostanolone: Profile of a Powerful Oral Steroid

Superdrol is an anabolic steroid that has quite a unique history compared to many other AAS compounds.


It was prominently sold as an over-the-counter “prohormone” supplement by American company Anabolic Extreme starting in 2005. The active ingredient is methyldrostanolone, an orally active DHT-derived steroid originally created by pharmaceutical firm Syntex way back in 1959 alongside two other well-known steroids – drostanolone (Masteron) and oxymetholone (Anadrol).

Superdrol Methyldrostanolone: Profile of a Powerful Oral Steroid
Superdrol Methyldrostanolone: Profile of a Powerful Oral Steroid

However, while Anadrol and Masteron were launched as prescription drugs, methyldrostanolone languished for decades without being marketed. It finally reemerged in 2005 as the compound Superdrol, heavily promoted as a more powerful and non-toxic alternative to Anadrol for achieving exceptional dry, lean muscle gains. Superdrol enjoyed several years as a legal gray area “dietary supplement” due to lack of regulatory oversight before finally being officially classified as an illegal Schedule III anabolic steroid by the DEA in 2012.

Superdrol Composition and Mechanisms

As an anabolic-androgenic steroid, Superdrol is a C17-alpha alkylated oral compound. It has a very high anabolic rating of 400, and far lower androgenic rating of just 20. This makes Superdrol significantly more anabolic than Masteron, which it closely mirrors structurally. Uniquely, Superdrol does not aromatize into estrogen at any dose.

Superdrol provides substantial improvements in protein synthesis and nitrogen retention within the muscles. This creates an overall enhanced anabolic environment in the body that supports significant increases in lean tissue growth while inhibiting muscle loss during fat loss and cutting phases.

Superdrol Effects and Benefits

Superdrol is highly regarded for providing large boosts in lean muscle gains, strength levels, hardness and vascularity. The non-aromatizing properties also mean no water bloating or fat gain. The versatile effects make it popular for both off-season bulking and cutting cycles alike. Dramatic results can be achieved in just 4-6 weeks.

Superdrol Potential Side Effects and Health Risks

However, Superdrol does come with some potentially hazardous side effects: liver toxicity, lipid profile disruption, high blood pressure, natural testosterone suppression, androgenic effects like accelerated male pattern baldness, increased aggression and irritability, and the risk of virilization symptoms in women such as clitoral enlargement, body hair growth, and voice deepening.

Proper precautions are critical to mitigate health risks if used. These include short cycle lengths of 4-6 weeks, liver and cholesterol support supplements, post cycle therapy, and prompt discontinuation if adverse effects manifest. Those with any pre-existing health conditions should avoid Superdrol completely due to the extreme stresses it can impose on the body.

Legal Status and Availability Today

The original Superdrol brand is long discontinued and only underground lab versions of methyldrostanolone remain available through black market channels internationally. Legality varies regionally but Superdrol is classified as an illegal Schedule III controlled substance in most areas, carrying stiff legal penalties for non-medical possession, sale, or use if convicted.

Given the ethical concerns and legal risks, those looking for comparable results are better suited looking into natural steroid alternative supplements with much safer side effect profiles and 100% legal status.


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