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The Clear (Tetrahydrogestrinone): A Designer Steroid with Controversial History


The Clear, also known as Tetrahydrogestrinone (THG), is a designer anabolic steroid that gained infamy in the world of sports due to its role in a major doping scandal. This synthetic androgenic compound was specifically designed to evade traditional drug testing methods, making it a challenging substance to detect. This article provides a comprehensive profile of The Clear, detailing its history, impact on sports, mechanisms of action, side effects, and the implications for anti-doping efforts.

The Clear (Tetrahydrogestrinone): A Designer Steroid with Controversial History
The Clear (Tetrahydrogestrinone): A Designer Steroid with Controversial History

History and Doping Scandal

The Clear was developed in the late 1990s by Patrick Arnold, a chemist with expertise in creating undetectable performance-enhancing substances. It was designed to mimic the anabolic effects of traditional steroids while being undetectable by standard drug tests. In 2003, The Clear came into the spotlight when it was linked to the infamous BALCO (Bay Area Laboratory Co-operative) doping scandal. BALCO was a California-based lab that provided numerous professional athletes, including track and field star Marion Jones and baseball player Barry Bonds, with performance-enhancing drugs, including The Clear. The scandal exposed the widespread use of designer steroids in sports and led to increased scrutiny and efforts to strengthen anti-doping measures.

Mechanism of Action

The Clear exerts its effects on the body by binding to androgen receptors in various tissues, including muscle cells. This activation of androgen receptors initiates a cascade of cellular responses, leading to increased protein synthesis and nitrogen retention. These anabolic processes promote muscle growth, strength gains, and improved athletic performance. However, The Clear also has androgenic properties that can lead to unwanted side effects.

Side Effects

Like other anabolic steroids, The Clear is associated with a range of potential side effects. These include liver toxicity, cardiovascular issues, hormonal imbalances, acne, and virilization in women. Additionally, The Clear may impact mood and behavior, leading to increased aggression and other psychological effects.

Anti-Doping Efforts

The detection of The Clear and other designer steroids proved to be a significant challenge for anti-doping agencies. Traditional drug testing methods were ineffective in identifying these compounds, allowing athletes to use them without fear of detection. The BALCO scandal prompted a major overhaul of anti-doping efforts, leading to the development of more sophisticated testing methods, including carbon isotope ratio testing (CIR) and improved mass spectrometry techniques. These advancements have since improved the ability to detect designer steroids and deter athletes from using such substances.

Impact on Sports

The Clear’s emergence in the BALCO scandal tarnished the reputation of numerous high-profile athletes and raised questions about the integrity of sports competitions. It exposed the widespread use of performance-enhancing drugs in professional sports and highlighted the need for more stringent anti-doping measures. The Clear, along with other designer steroids, has undoubtedly influenced the ongoing debate surrounding the use of PEDs in sports and the efforts to maintain a level playing field.


The Clear, or Tetrahydrogestrinone, is a banned designer steroid that made headlines during the BALCO doping scandal. Its development and use exposed weaknesses in drug testing methods and prompted significant advancements in anti-doping efforts. The notoriety of The Clear serves as a cautionary tale, highlighting the need for continued vigilance in the fight against doping in sports. As athletes and authorities strive to uphold the principles of fair competition and maintain the health and integrity of sports, the legacy of The Clear remains a pivotal chapter in the ongoing pursuit of clean and ethical athletic performance.


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