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Arimidex Anastrozole 1mg 28 pills – AstraZeneca Steroid in USA


Arimidex bodybuilding dosage and side effects

Arimidex, is the trade name used by the pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca, for the compound called Anastrozole. It is an aromatase inhibitor, and professional bodybuilders use it to combat aromatase and estrogen creation, in other words they use Arimidex for gynecomastia and water retention.

When a professional athlete uses anabolic androgenic steroids (EAAs), certain compounds, like testosterone, for example, aromatize to estrogen.

The main steroids that aromatize the most are testosterone and Dianabol.

If aromatization is not prevented with the help of an aromatase inhibitor, such as Arimidex, you will surely have serious problems with the rise in estrogen.

The best known and most feared side effect of high estrogen levels is Gynecomastia (man boobs).

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Arimidex Anastrozole 1mg 28 pills – AstraZeneca Steroid in USA

I have seen and met many people who believe in the myth that Arimidex decreases the gains of a cycle of anabolic steroids, and that, furthermore, if they do not see that they have signs of gynecomastia, then why use it. This is absurd, and really very foolish of anyone to do so.

Arimidex is a must-have drug in any type of steroid cycle, and that’s because testosterone always has to be in any type of steroid cycle.

All anabolic androgenic steroids will inhibit the natural production of testosterone, so the use of exogenous testosterone is essential, otherwise you will regret it, a lot.

Another side effect due to high estrogen level is water retention. As much as you may want to try to define yourself, and by eating a very good diet, if you don’t use an aromatase inhibitor in your steroid cycle, you’re going to retain water, and you’re going to look bloated.

Besides, it should be noted that a high level of estrogen can also affect your libido, and believe me, it is something you do not want to happen to you.

Arimidex bodybuilding dosage and side effects

You have to keep in mind that, on paper, everything is very nice, that by typing ‘how to take Arimidex’ in Google, you will get all kinds of forums, and in all those forums you will see that people talk about the same standard dose for everything the world.

But this is not the case, it all depends on how your body reacts to aromatization, your physical data, what type of cycle you are doing, what amounts of substances you are using, etc…

Be careful, you can not play with estrogen, if you are too aggressive with your dose, your estrogen may drop too low, and as a result you can expect erectile dysfunction, loss of energy, depression, and low libido.

We can say that a dose of 0.5mg every other day (the half-life is 46 hours), may be enough, that you can start with that dose and adjust the dose over time if necessary.

My advice is that you do not let yourself be guided by anyone who does not know about the subject, who is a professional, or by your doctor.

And I repeat, that the use of an aromatase inhibitor should be used yes or yes, do not wait to have signs of gynecomastia, because when you start to have it, it may be too late, and that Arimidex will not help you with the problem, and you will have to go through the surgeon.

Buy Arimidex Anastrozole online USA.


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