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Buy Primobolan Depot online in USA

Buy Primobolan depot USA

Primobolan is an anabolic steroid with weak androgenic properties. It is naturally found in the adrenal glands of pregnant cats, and resembles the human male sex hormone, testosterone.

It occurs in two forms, Metenolone Acetate, which is taken orally, and Metenolone Enthanate, also known as Primobolan Depot, for intramuscular injection.

Like many anabolic steroids, Primobolan has legitimate medical uses. This drug is used in some countries, under strict medical supervision, for the treatment of aplastic anaemia, and it has been trialled for its effect on bone density as a potential treatment for osteoporosis. It may also be used as a growth promoter in food producing animals.

Some athletes abuse Primobolan, generally to maintain muscle gains through a period of fat loss, and to prevent oestrogen formation.

Side Effects

Like all anabolic steroids, Primobolan has a number of very serious side effects that can be debilitating, disfiguring, permanent or even fatal. These are surprisingly common, and can occur without warning in otherwise healthy young people.

Some of the best known, and most common side effects of steroids are hormonal. Primobolan is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which is a potent form of the male sex hormone. It is best known for its role in male pattern baldness, and like DHT, Primobolan can cause baldness, acne, priapism, and hirsutism.

Introducing synthetic testosterone analogues has the ability to suppress the body’s own testosterone production. In some cases, this ability is not recovered after cessation of the drug, which can cause permanent symptoms including impotence, accumulation of fat, testicular shrinkage, loss of libido, and depression. Women can expect symptoms such as virilization (development of male characteristics), amenorrhea, infertility, and increased libido.

Steroids can wreak havoc on the cardiovascular system, and Primobolan is no exception. It can raise the blood pressure, which places the user at risk for life threatening conditions such as aneurysm, kidney disease, and oedema or swelling, which is a very common side effect of this drug.

Steroid use raises the levels of serum lipids, including triglycerides and LDL cholesterol, which are risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Primobolan has been shown to thicken the walls of the heart muscle. This leads to a form of heart failure called ventricular hypertrophy, where the area within the ventricular chamber is reduced, meaning less oxygen-rich blood is pumped around the body.


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