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A question that many people ask me is, the more drugs, the more muscle gains?

A question that many people ask me is, the more drugs, the more muscle gains?

More steroids, more muscle gain?

The answer is no, these have a dose/response dependent effect that if it is true BUT that if you don´t put a sufficient amount of a substance the effect is minimal, but it does not mean that the more quantity, the more gains since there comes a time when more quantity does not have benefits but rather drawbacks.

For example, the dose of Nandrolone to be effective is between 200 – 300 and 600 mg per week based on your body weight, if you only put 100 mg the effect will be minimal, and if you put 1000 mg Well, the effect will be practically the same as if you put 600 mg but instead the side effects will be aggravated, therefore it is a mistake.

Each substance has a dose/response curve and beyond this, only side effects are obtained while the positive effect is maintained or decreased.

If being strong was a matter of putting in a lot of drugs, everyone would be strong and defined, and whoever didn’t have the money would ask for credit for being strong, so it’s not so easy.

Then there are two determining factors in muscle growth, which are genetics and time.

1. Genetics is the most important and determining thing in this or any other sport, although in bodybuilding and strength sports much more, and it not only influences the number of muscle fibers you have, but thousands of variables plus. You will never be able to turn a donkey into a racehorse or a greyhound into a Rottweiler, it is impossible, no matter how much they tell you that everything is achieved with sacrifice, you will be able to achieve a good physique, but not one of a world champion.

2. Then there is mainly time, as well as discipline and perseverance. Getting a good physique is not a matter of months, years of sacrifice.

So when you go to take something, find out what it is, and what effects it has, how to take it, dose and time, etc. since these things have their side effects and in the case of girls many effects are irreversible.


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