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Megagrisevit Mono (Clostebol)

Revisiting Megagrisevit Mono (Clostebol): The Briefly Used Injectable Steroid

Assessing Its Limited Effects and Brief Bodybuilding History

Megagrisevit Mono is an injectable or oral preparation containing the anabolic steroid clostebol acetate. It was developed in the 1960s for potential medical applications and limited commercial use.

Megagrisevit Mono (Clostebol)
Megagrisevit Mono (Clostebol)

Clostebol is a derivative of testosterone that has been modified with a 4-chloro substitution on the A-ring. This change was intended to reduce conversion to DHT and potentially mitigate androgenic side effects like male pattern baldness and acne.

However, the 4-chloro substitution also significantly reduces the anabolic potency of clostebol compared to unmodified testosterone. By most accounts, it exhibits fairly weak effects for both building muscle mass and supporting masculinization.

Discovery by Bodybuilders

In the 1970s and 80s, bodybuilders experimented with clostebol in the form of Megagrisevit Mono injections or oral tablets. Doses ranged from 100-200 mg daily.

It was hoped that Megagrisevit Mono could provide decent gains with reduced androgenic side effects. However, results proved quite underwhelming compared to other steroids emerging at that time.

While clostebol showed some theoretical advantages on paper, real-world muscle and strength improvements were marginal at best. The frequent injections or oral doses also made it impractical. It was clearly out-classed by testosterone and newer steroids.

Decline Into Obscurity

Within just a few years of limited use, most bodybuilders abandoned Megagrisevit Mono and clostebol altogether as better options became available.

Its weak effects even at high doses, lack of availability, frequent administration, and the emergence of far more potent steroids rendered it essentially obsolete.

Today it remains extremely rare to find, with no pharmaceutical company still manufacturing it. While an interesting early experiment, clostebol proved to be a failed one.

In summary, Megagrisevit Mono and its active steroid clostebol exhibited minimal real-world beneficial effects despite intentions. Advancements in steroid research quickly superseded it.


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