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Assessing Nandrabolin: The Obscure Nandrolone and Methandriol Blend

Examining Its Intended Uses, Formulation Issues, and Brief History

Background and Composition

Nandrabolin is an obscure injectable veterinary preparation containing two active steroid ingredients – nandrolone decanoate and methandriol dipropionate.

It was developed in the 1970s, intended for increased muscle growth and weight gain in livestock animals. Each mL contains 30 mg of nandrolone decanoate and 45 mg of methandriol dipropionate dissolved in oil.

Assessing Nandrabolin: The Obscure Nandrolone and Methandriol Blend
Assessing Nandrabolin: The Obscure Nandrolone and Methandriol Blend

Nandrolone decanoate is an esterified variant of the anabolic steroid nandrolone. Methandriol is an oral steroid that exhibits weak anabolic effects but considerable estrogenic activity according to evidence.

Intended Effects and Issues

The nandrolone component aims to increase nitrogen retention, protein synthesis and lean muscle mass. However, the addition of methandriol likely counters the nandrolone effects somewhat and increases side effects like gynecomastia, water retention, and testosterone suppression.

Any synergistic “amplifying” effects of the methandriol addition are unsubstantiated by current scientific data. Appropriate anti-estrogens are advised to mitigate estrogenic issues.

Obscurity and Decline

Nandrabolin lacked adoption even in its time, likely due to its questionable formulation and weak potency. Within a few years it had disappeared completely along with other obscure veterinary blends containing methandriol.

Today Nandrabolin remains extremely rare, with no veterinary or human applications. While an interesting experiment on paper, it ultimately proved ineffective and short-lived. Safer single-drug alternatives have long since superseded it.


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